Schools of Washburn Co. WI
the early beginnings of Washburn
Co., the people realized how important it was to education their
Soon after an area became settled, a schoolhouse would be built.
By the early 1900's there were many small schoolhouses in the rural
of the county -- some were only a few miles apart! These
were usually one- or two-roomed and were meant to be used to educate
up through the sixth, or sometimes, the eighth grade. As time
on, the larger schools offered classes to children up through the 12th
grade. If the parents wanted their children to have a "higher"
they usually had to travel to get to one of these larger schools.
Many students found places to stay "in town" so they were closer to the
school. In later years, because of costs and maintainance many of
these rural schools were forced to shut down. Yet, many of these
buildings are still standing and are still in use as town halls or
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